
In May, I'm offering two online classes through Writing Workshops. The first is a new edition of the Storytelling Lab series, which focuses on "reading like a writer," meaning reading for construction and craft--one of the best ways in to improve your writing:

The Storytelling Lab: Read & Analyze 5 Great Stories in 5 Weeks, Starts Tuesday, May 21st, 7-9 PM EST. A discussion class on Zoom in which we look at amazing stories each week with an eye toward construction. We usually end with a writing prompt so that we get a chance to practice one of the techniques in the story. To learn more and sign up:

The second course is a new edition of Five Stories, which is a generative class that uses a structured series of prompts to help you start a new story each week. This version will include individual conferences to help you complete the story you like most:

Five Stories in Five Weeks: Generating 5 New Stories with Structured Writing Prompts, Starts Wednesday, May 29th, 7-9 PM EST. A generative Zoom class in which we use targeted writing prompts to start a new story each week. Includes a 30 minute conference in which we talk about developing one of those starts into a full-length story. To learn more and sign up:

In June, I'm trying something new: a four-week online workshop for writers working on fiction or memoir. I'm organizing this one on my own, not through a platform, so you'll need to email me directly at to sign up:

Online Workshop
Mondays 7:00-9:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, June 3, 10, 17, 24

Cost: $500

This fully online four-week workshop is open to either fiction writers or memoirists. Enrollment is capped at eight to allow in-depth discussion. Each writer will workshop one piece of up to 30 pages and meet with me in a 30-minute conference to discuss a second piece (again, up to 30 pages). 

Discussion will be focused on the issues that matter most to writers who are working on an early draft: character, conflict, plot, scene, and voice. The class will read and offer feedback with an eye toward what is working, what is missing, and what the writer can build on. Each class will end with a short craft lecture or creative exercise keyed to a craft-related issue raised in the discussion.

If you’re interested in joining, or want to learn more, please email me at

In July, I'll be teaching two in-person classes at the Iowa Summer Writing Festival in Iowa City, Iowa:

Kickstart Your Memoir, a weeklong class for first-time memoirists, runs from Sunday, July 14 through Friday, July 19. For description and sign-up:

July 20-21, I teach a weekend intensive on scene construction: Go Ahead, Make a Scene! How to Tell Your Story through Dramatic, Vivid, Exciting Scenes. For description and sign-up: